119 Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing; and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God;
As I was thinking about what to write this month a scripture from the 88th section of the D&C kept coming back to me. I began thinking about the upcoming General Conference we will be enjoying next month, and about the Easter holiday we will celebrate the week after. I also have a touch of spring fever and can’t wait to get outside & enjoy some warmer weather. With all these things running through my head, I realized I have a lot to prepare for this coming month. There are seeds to start, windows to wash, junk drawers to clean out, and donations to organize-all this in addition to my already busy schedule. This is about when the panic should be setting in, right? How can anyone not feel overwhelmed when there seem to be so many demands on our lives? My life is a different kind of busy than anyone else’s, but we all have responsibilities. So how do we keep it all together when the tasks before us seem insurmountable?
Just as the spirit has testified to me so many times before, I’ve again found myself turning to the scriptures and found an answer. Organize. Prepare. Pray, fast, have faith. Give glory to God for the blessings you have, and humble before Him when asking for those things which you have need. Strive to make your home a house of order where the Spirit will remain. I hope we can all start now to organize, prepare, and do whatever we need to do so we’ll be ready for this session of General Conference and the words that our leaders are preparing for us to hear. The blessings we can take away are well worth the effort, and having His spirit with us as we celebrate His death and resurrection can help us to be truly grateful for His ultimate sacrifice.