In these tough economic times, we might just need a little extra income to pay the bills and to get or stay out of debt. Or you might need extra income to build up your emergency fund or pay for upcoming Christmas expenditures. No matter your reason, a small supplemental income can really make a difference.
Every family and individual is different; everyone has different needs, talents and abilities. The key to finding a supplemental income that works for you is to start by listing your needs and your strengths. What amount of income do you need? What kind of time commitment and hours can you allocate? Do you have to work out of your home or do you have flexibility to work at a business?
In listing your strengths and talents, consider what interests you. What are your hobbies? Do you have any unique skills that you can market? You will be more successful in earning a supplemental income if it is something you enjoy as well as something that you are good at. Get creative and involve the whole family!
Be cautious in considering work from home jobs. Do your research to make sure that what you decide on is legitimate and will work for the needs of your family. The Better Business Bureau and online forums can be of assistance. Any job that requires you to pay money to start is most likely not legitimate (with the exception of some home sales businesses that require you to purchase product or demonstration supplies).
Some ideas include:
• Sales – home shows, [Tupperware, Mary Kay, Pampered Chef, etc]
• Seasonal jobs – many retail stores and restaurants are hiring for the Christmas season and sometimes seasonal jobs can become more permanent
• Deliver newspapers or phonebooks
• Write freelance articles for local papers or online forums
• Keep a blog or website (earn income from advertising on the website)
• Create unique items to sell at farmers markets, craft fairs or online stores like ebay or etsy (Use those awesome crafting skills!)
• Sell your skills - music lessons, tutor, photography, handyman, electrician, face painting, balloon tying, catering, sewing/alterations, etc
• Sell plasma
• Substitute teach
• Clean homes or small businesses
• Be a companion for the elderly – cook, clean, etc
• Sell your stuff – your junk is someone else’s treasure
• Start a childcare or preschool from your home
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