Monday, October 25, 2010

’Tis Almost the Season!

The holidays are now upon us. What a fun and exciting time of year. Above all, there is the lingering question: How do we keep the true spirit of Christmas front and center in our families amidst all the hustle and bustle? For many, the pressure of finances can get in the way of feeling the spirit of Christmas. Here are a few tips that might help in your efforts to be a wise steward during the holidays:

#1 Agree on a budget. If you haven’t already, decide now how much you are going to spend on gifts, decorations, food, etc. Now for the hard part: STICK TO IT! If it’s not in the budget, do without. If you feel like it’s important, write it down so you can budget for it next year.

#2 Don’t go into debt. We’ve been counseled again and again not to go into debt for things we don’t need. A wise steward plans ahead. Saving money beforehand gives you freedom and peace of mind. If you didn’t save up this year, make it a priority for next year.

#3 Get the family involved. Especially in lean years it’s important to keep the whole family appropriately involved. Young members of the family can learn valuable lessons about service and frugality. They also might surprise you with innovative ideas to save money. Above all, it’s a great way to bring a family closer together when you are all working toward a common goal.

#4 Start Now! Now is the time to put plans into action. If cutting back on what you spend on gifts is in your plan, start now to prepare for creative ways to get into the spirit of giving. Homemade gifts, gifts of service, even letters of kind thoughts, these can be more memorable and meaningful than a toy or a sweater.

The following is a quote by Pres. Thomas S. Monson from his Christmas devotional message from December 2003: “There is no better time than now, this very Christmas season, for all of us to rededicate ourselves to the principles taught by Jesus the Christ. It is the time to love the Lord our God with all our heart and our neighbors as ourselves. It is well to remember that he who gives money gives much, he who gives time gives more, but he who gives of himself gives all.”

If you have money to give, Great! If you have time to give, Even Better! To give of ourselves is our goal and the surest way to keep the principles Christ taught in our homes during this wonderful time of year.

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